Hello! My name is Cassie McCoy and welcome to my website. Before browsing my creative endeavors, here’s a chance to know a little about me.
I come from a background of careers involving media. My father, uncle, and mother were all in TV, while my other uncles and cousins made music and art. I’m fortunate to be surrounded by many types of media all of my life. I consider myself a creative in my own way, but I only came to this conclusion as of very recent. I was always an artsy kid who loved making stories, finding out more, plugging in the headphones, and doodling all over her notes.
I TRULY love everything I do now to the fullest extent. I started off college hosting a live music television show called Kentcore, where local acts came on and played and I’d get to know more about the artists. I loved hosting and creating rundowns for the show so much that I even started a podcast for the website; The Cureall is a tell-all podcast about how music can create a safe space for feeling out your emotions.

As I got to know more people throughout my communication based show and podcast, I realized how many photos I took at shows and of my friends. This lead me to buying a six dollar Minolta film camera that was critical condition, which I took everywhere. I cannot even believe my love for film started off with that horrid camera, she still sits in my room and inspires me every day.
I’ve also made a few music videos for artists in NE Ohio, I have a love for the VHS, DIY style of filming.
Well that is it, this is me! If you don’t catch me doing something creative, I’m probably talking a walk while drinking a latte, cleaning my house, going for a drive, going on a music deep dive, or watching some sort of animation or film. Thanks for reading !