Why Don’t We is a Talented Inspiration

When I was introduced to Why Don’t We four years ago, I realized the way that music and bands can help ease a person’s mental health and anxiety. Through their growth and achievements, they’ve really inspired me, taught me a lot, and given me great music.

1st: @whydontwemusic on Twitter, 2nd: twincities.com, 3rd: @whydontweupdates on Twitter, 4th: tigerbeat.com, 5th: @whydontwemusic on Twitter, 6th: justjaredjr.com; my image

This article and this article talk about the verbal, mental, and financial abuse and malnourishment Why Don’t We faced in their teens together, and how they decided to speak up about it just in 2021. A band I’ve been a fan of for four years going about their career, when there was tons of “nightmarish behavior” behind the scenes, and recently figuring out their true identity/sound is an eye opener for me. It shows how harsh and controlling the music industry is. I look up to them because they suffered immeasurable stuff together solely to follow their dreams (create and perform music), be the people they want, and make their fans happy, only having each other for support. It’s taught me what it means to be there for the ones who mean the most to you. Nobody should sacrifice their basic human rights to be successful. This article follows up on their situation, with quotes from two band members explaining that their fans have pushed them through and motivated them not only to “stay strong,” but to fight for their freedom, due to a #FreeWDW hashtag. I find it inspiring that they hope their situation will encourage others who are undergoing something similar to speak up and seek help.

my image

To me, being a fan of a musical artist is more than “teen girls loving their music and attractive looks.” Being a fan is for anyone. It means having that emotional, verbal or online connection with your supporters. It means being able to find happiness from their interviews and concerts. You’re not only a fan of the songs they put out, but you’re a fan of their personalities. The Why Don’t We fandom is one big family because we all find love in the same artist. I’ve been able to make friends who I can do this with.

Since I was drawn to their unique name, I’ve always looked forward to seeing their concerts, virtual and in-person. It’s a place for me to forget about inner problems I may be facing for a night, as well as feel the music that I love with the people who make me happy and those who are there for the same reason I am.

@whydontwemusic on Instagram
“ELLE” on YouTube

Why Don’t We talks through 6:11-7:07 in this video about how they’ve met many fans who’ve told them that their music and “them” is a safe place for those fans to go to when they want to “get away from whatever,” and they think it’s amazing. Artists, such as them, being able to use their talent to create music that’s not only a hit, but also wanting to use it to provide an outlet for and help people, hits different to me. I personally use their music to help calm myself down when I need it.

@whydontwemusic on Instagram

Mental health is a topic that many people struggle with and are too afraid to open up about and seek help for. This is a shirt that Why Don’t We was selling to everyone and a caption: “Thank you for being vulnerable with us. We aim to be a source of positivity in your life, the same way you are for us. Pre-order now and let’s break the stigma. All proceeds go towards supporting mental health.” This impacted me due to a band I love tons caring about the topic and doing what they can to help others.

“Daniel Seavey” on YouTube

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When I took a break from college in early 2020 and was in a rut trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, I figured out that I knew all along, but I held back from taking those steps for fear that I wouldn’t be pleasing others and passing their approval. Every single show Why Don’t We has performed since their first album, they’ve given this special speech regarding following your dream despite how “silly or huge” it might be. They’ve inspired me to follow my passion, chase my dream and not let anyone/anything stop me. I took a step back and evaluated what that thing is I love doing, and with hard work and dedication, I’m pursuing Digital Media Production.
