During the covid era of high school I became very interested in traveling. I had always loved traveling with my parents and even loved the idea of going to new places and exploring. However, it was during my junior year that I created this crisp vision of my life in the fashion industry and ever since then, I’ve been working to make that vision come to life. I know the industry isn’t easy and I’ve already faced a lot of challenges, rejection, and ultimatums. However, it is these adversities that push me even further and harder. Currently, I am working towards my fashion merchandising degree and double minoring in sustainability and public relations. When I see myself in 5 years, I refuse to even imagine myself working a 9-5 corporate, retail job. Although starting from the bottom and working my way up, my goal is to be a fashion buyer for a sustainable, well-respected fashion brand. I hope to live the life of a nomad and constantly be traveling for my career. I want to meet new people and network with them while also experiencing new places and different fashion cultures. I used to picture myself living in New York City, as I feel I basically grew up there being so close. From a young age I loved the hustle and bustle of the streets, the vast diversity of people and outfits, and the true “the city that never sleeps” atmosphere. However, I’ve recently been infatuated with moving somewhere warm after college or even out of the country. This time next year I will be studying abroad in Florence, Italy and I’ve never been so excited for something so far away. I think my experience with Italian culture and overall international experience will definitely steer me towards a certain direction after graduating. I have a vision and many clear goals but at the end of the day, I really don’t know where I’ll go in the fashion world and as scary as it is, it is also incredibly thrilling.